
French Families on Instagram in Canada


As you probably know I moved to Canada by myself, but many people want to embark on the Canadian adventure as a family. I often get messages on Instagram asking me for recommendations of families to follow on Instagram. I asked for your help and here are the accounts that came up the most often. So let’s explore French Families on Instagram sharing their experience in Canada.

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Feel free to add in comments the accounts you follow, or your own, I wish I could add some in each province!


francais-famille-alberta-canada Morning Sophie

Sophie lived in Canada in 2009/2010 with her first WHV. A few years later, in 2018, she came back to Vancouver with her family. Great news this year, she is moving to Calgary with her little family!


famille-francaise-quebec-instagram Vie de Noe

Originally from Toulouse, Noémie arrived with her family only a few weeks ago. It is in Montreal that they decided to put their bags


La S.PR family en Mauricie

This family has just moved to Trois Rivières in Quebec, you will be able to discover the first months of a family moving to Canada.

demenager-canada-famille-france-quebec Pétard Family

This beautiful family is in Canada for a few months, they left their south to join Montreal. Marine at the controls of the account to share the daily life of their new Canadian life.

Aurely Bistouly Au Canada

Their arrival in Canada is really fresh since they arrived at the end of August 2022! From Marseille to Montreal, you can follow the discovery of their new life!

famille-nombreuse-demenagement-canada Together in Canada

This family of 6 embarks you in their adventures in Quebec. Already settled in Canada for several years, you can follow their journey to permanent residence!

La Bear Family

This family realized their dream of moving to Canada in 2021. After years of preparation and a mister Coco who had to disrupt the schedule, they are here to share their adventures in Les Laurentines in Quebec.

immigrer-au-canada-en-famille-exemples Evasions Québécoises

At the end of the year this family will celebrate their 3rd birthday in Canada. From their Instagram account they love to discover and will regularly take you on a trip with them!

La Famille HOCQ Au Canada

I’m not sure if this family has already left for Canada, but according to their bio it’s coming soon. And the adventure will be with their baby of a few months!



familles-francaises-ontario-immigration Eraule_te

We’ve got an interesting profile! After moving from France to Quebec, this family chose to settle in Ontario. For those wondering about the province, this account will surely be a good resource!


famille-francaise-nouveau-brunswick-canada En Famille Au Canada

This Instagram account is private, but families outside of Quebec are so hard to find that I thought it was worth putting them up if you want to contact them!

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