Road Trip: San Francisco Part 1.


2 months after my come back in France I’m finally posting the end of my road trip in U.S. After we left Los Angeles in my last post we drove until Santa Maria and stopped by a motel in the border of a road, like on the movie: ” Hi could we get a room for 2 please ?” and parked the car in the front of the door, like on the movie. After it was like a black out I don’t remember anything but it’s seem like we felt asleep.

As fresh as daisies we were ready on the morning to be back on the road and overall to enjoy the view. Road 1 is famous for it amazing view on the Pacific ocean. It’s obviously very touristic so take it easy no one is going to drive fast 😉

Better than words: pictures to show you how beautiful is it!

If you get a chance go there it’s the place to be! From the beginning to the end we were amazed!

San Francisco area is famous because all of the IT’s compagnies. As perfect nerds we are we decided to drive by 2 famous headquarters: Apple and Google. Concerning the first one nothing pretty amazing except a lot of Asian people taking selfies with Apple HQ on the back (Ok right we did the same ahah), but after I read Steve Jobs biography last year, which inspired me a lot, I wanted to walk in the same path as the people who changed the digital world and are part of my everyday life (never without my iPhone ahah). For Google the building matched with the idea I had for a modern, quirky and high tech company. Chairs outside on the green, tables on the green, meeting on these same tables, bikes on the colors of Google to move around the buildings: a real new american compagny: we loved it !

It was live my nerd life break (as a proof we carried during 2 weeks 3 iPhone, 1 iPad, 1 iPod et a MacBook.. not Apple Addict at all.. and not heavy at all the luggages!)

Bye bye San José and the Silicon Valley, good morning San Francisco (and here we go everybody thinks about the Good Morning San Francisco you could heard in movies few years ago .. yes yes remember !)

After more than 600km we deserved a good sea food dish at Fisherman’s Wharf at Bistro Boudin ! It’s part of a bakery from the same name, it’s a fancy restaurant where I appreciated a bread bowl crab soup, original and delicious ! And even if we were tired we wanted to meet the city before bed.  And which spot is better than the Twin Peaks, 2 hills which offer an amazing view of the all city.

Bed time .. see you tomorrow to visit San Francisco, put on your comfier sneakers we are going to walk a lot !

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