
Blog Welcome Home


End of June my baby blog will turn 2 years. Already 2 years. It’s crazy how this blog became important in my life in just 2 years. Today we have a daily relation, I often organize my life around it, I learn how to optimize my time to be efficient in my blogger life but also in my personal life. Blogger. For some people the word is pejorative, not really easy to assume. But thanks to all of you and all your words I’m today proud to be a blogger, I assume and claim it ! I’m proud of my baby blog, proud to see it evolve at the same time as I do, we affirm ourselves in our roles. From the past year you were more than 12 000 unique visitors, 12 000 person who give me the envy to offer you new projects, new things, to work with and for you !

Huge thanks to all of you <3

Talk less and better, new design, new organization, at the top bar you can find categories with the different themes of the blog. It should be easier for you fo navigate. The search bar is now up right, always here to help you !

The blog is still bilingual, you can switch from French to English cliking on the flags on the top. You can also put your email to receive every new post (you will receive in French and English, I’m working on separate it).

blog fringinto par Marine Martinelli

And I want to thank so much the one who had an important role in this new design: Marine Martinelli, she is not a random graphist she grew up with us on our small town from Ardèche and she become this little woman with magic in her hands. She always knew how to draw but what she does now it’s just amazing. Ok I feel like you wanna see, so let’s check on this video for example and overall follow her on Facebook ! Thanks Marine for hours talking about it, for this wonderful logo and for everything else ! <3

Wednesday I will launch my teaser about my photo project I’m talking about it for so long now, can’t wait. A lot of hot topics lately 😉 I invite you to follow me on my YouTube channel dedicated to the blog : La Fringinto YouTube Channel.

As always when you process to a change it may have some bugs, feel free to report it ! Do you like the new design ?

Send you love.

signature astrid fringinto

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