bye bye 2016

Bye bye 2016


Bye bye 2016. You will have shown us of all colors you know. Back on a year still rich in emotions! And what better than a selection of missed look photos to illustrate this record? Between two slices of laughter try still to read what I write;)


In 2016 you were more than 21,000 unique visitors coming to visit me on the blog against barely 8000 in 2015. 21 000 times thank you for coming and coming !! At the 2015 review you were 900 on Instagram and 700 on Facebook. Today you are more than 1900 to follow me daily on Instagram and more than 1800 on Facebook. A huge thank you to you (the picture above illustrates perfectly the big hug that I will make you ^^).

bilan 2016

By 2016 here are the articles you have most read.

  1. My test of the Postquam smoothing brush.
  2. Where to eat in Valence?
  3. Weekend Ardèche.
  4. I am single. I’m fine, do not worry.
  5. I have something to tell you.

The series “where to eat in Valence” has been a great success, I think we have a lot of greedy in the corner! Following the article on celibacy I had received many comments and messages from people who identified themselves very well with my words. I loved writing this article and I really hope to have time to write more in this style in 2017.

bilan 2016

Concerning sports (yes the picture above reminds me of a session of Zumba not you?) The year does not finish as well as it began since I practically practically no more. After pains in September I had to stop a few weeks, then the change of rhythm, the projects that accumulate, a little lack of organization and motivation. Nice combination … But it’s on my To Do list of January 2017;). To finish on a positive note nevertheless let’s go back to 2 events in the year that have really marked sport: the Spahis Race of Valence and the Mud Day of Lyon! 2 events to surpass that I retenter with pleasure !!

bilan 2016

Concerning travels, I started a long weekend in Lille to surprise my girlfriend Armelle (Alek Artistry we shot together in Toronto), I also took advantage of the summer to visit Marseille, I took advantage of my Ardèche several times, I took my American family to visit Avignon, I spent 2 days in  and by the time you read this article I will be arriving in Ireland for the wedding of a friend of mine I met in Toronto! The year ends well and 2017 looks pretty nice as well as I’m going to visit New York in March!

bilan 2016 fringinto

Concerning the outfit, in 2016 we shot 39 outfits against only 16 in 2015. I think it can be said that I have bluntly more assumed the fashion blog side this year! Behind these looks several people hide, mostly my cousin Sandra and my friend Jaja, but also sometimes my brother or Alison. I often tell you about Snapchat but really look shootings are always a great time to laugh. I think that with the selection of photos missed you will have understood ^ ^ You will also have understood that the wind is a real problem with us …

At first I was not necessarily comfortable with the idea of looks since I did not start this blog by telling me that it would become a fashion blog (besides I would have imagined that 2 years And then it would still be there) but I really enjoyed shooting all those looks and I hope you enjoyed it too.


Personally, I spent a year of roommate madness with my best friend and I think this is the important point of the year. I was often asked how cohabitation between a girl and a boy was happening and I can assure you that if you are with the right person everything will be fine. I lived as a couple, alone, in a roommate with 4 with 4 different nationalities and finally with my best friend. Each cohabitation has its charm and leaves me excellent memories. But this year is still above the lot.

I also had some health concerns that I explained to you in an article here that resurfaced following great upsets in my personal life.

This year I also faced departures, people who left us far too early. Especially one of my partners for the blog. I had written about it in this article. I kept in mind the bursts of laughter of those who left promising me that my laughter would sound louder and louder. I have more turned my life towards the positive by trying to leave the negative outside to enjoy without parasite, remembering that life does not wait.

bilan 2016

Concerning events,

  • The #BeFringFit Crew slowed down after the summer, at the beginning of the school year I was concentrating on other projects and I unfortunately left this pretty community a little. But for 2017 someone will make his entry to re-motivate the troops;) Stay in the corner.
  • I published a series of articles Valence Views from Here Coming from Elsewhere which gave the floor to a dozen girls freshly arrived on Valence. I loved this project and I am very proud to have led it with you!
  • The organization of an empty dressing had been close to my heart for a while. It’s finally done since December 10th!
  • On 13th November I organized the Babel Break at the Alix Coffee, an occasion for foreigners living in the area to meet Valentinois but also for everybody to practice a foreign language.

bilan 2016 fringinto

Concerning the blog, it was the year of blooming, I had many opportunities, I could make you discover things rather nice thanks to the blog, I could meet extraordinary people with so different courses and Interesting, I was able to meet you during the various events.

I also had some licks by asking me what was all this for? What was the point of spending so much energy on the Internet? I sometimes found my position futile when I saw the dramas that were taking place next to me. We all get into questions. Then I remembered how much this blog made me smile, I remembered your support, your messages and I left again more beautiful. I remembered that we had to get involved in things that made us happy.

bilan 2016 fringinto

2016 is the year when I became blonde and that’s a big change again a thousand times thank you Franck for this change, I like this version of myself! In 2016 I got married 3 or 4 times for shootings, if I ever get married one day I’m already ready ^^ In 2016 I screamed in downtown Valencia in a fiat 500 of 1961 with my Girlfriends to promote Bricole Ta Noce. I threw clothes all over my apartment for a shooting, I posed with pineapples in front of the chest for the brand Very Mojo and especially for Alison Bounce. I stole my butt in the straw for a wedding shooting. I laughed a lot. I ate a lot. I did not sleep enough. I surely sent 3 days of snapchat if we accumulate everything. I danced. Much danced. I danced a lot on Beyoncé.

bye bye 2016

And what about 2017?

2017 announces the start of a new Canadian adventure. So I wish you a good jacket and pretty warm boots;) More seriously for 2 years and a half my life never ceases to surprise me then I only wish to continue to live this madness! Continue to feel good, I want to continue to know that I am where I am supposed to be. I want to continue to meet exceptional people. And I wish you all the same! Be blossomed, happy, do not be afraid to jump if you feel it’s time. Go ahead. Experiment. Break your breath. Do not wait any more after the others. Count on your own happiness. Make you happy. Fall in love. Surprise the others. Surprise yourself.

Bye bye 2016. Bonjour 2017.

bye bye 2016 fringinto

bye bye 2016

bye bye 2016 fringinto

bye bye 2016

bye bye 2016

bilan photos ratées 2016

bye bye 2016

bye bye 2016

bye bye 2016

bye bye 2016

bye bye 2016

bye bye 2016

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