Why I love back to school season


We are being pampered with the return, even though we have grown into adults, we are still under the same pressure as when we were at school. Newspaper kiosks are full of magazines that promise you the secret solution to lose the weight of the holidays or how to forget the depression of the re-entry. I am a little tired of this way of dramatizing the re-entry. Let’s talk about why I love back to school season.

So yes it is the return, it is the end of the holidays but it does not matter! We cast out the negative of the re-entry and we take that the positive! Instead of giving you advice on how to succeed on your return to school, I will explain why I love school and why you should love it too!


  • Summer is slowing down, projects are not going on, a lot of people are on vacation. In September we know that it is gone again, the projects that work since June will finally see the day! And I can already tell you that for me the next 6 months are going to be charged and full of change! Business to follow 😉
  • If like me you are single and without children the return does not mean end of the holidays but rather start! To pay less in September while avoiding the little Leo who braizes on the beach it is gift no? (I have nothing against baby Leo this is an example do not take it badly ^ ^).
  • And if the holidays are really over, it’s time to prepare the next ones! If you follow me on Snapchat (pseudo: FringintoBlog) you know that I booked my trip to Ireland for the end of the year! (Cries of joy, doe jumps in the living room)
  • The comeback is the resumption of the series, addicted series I look forward to know the continuation of the adventures of my favorite characters! (I even have an app to manage the episodes .. Addiction when you hold us!)
  • September is a bit of a second start, you missed your good intentions in January? This is the opportunity to retry the blow! It’s never too late 😉


  • Change your habits, the resumption of a good rhythm with real schedules and shorter days (thank you the night that falls at 20:30 🙁 ) gives us a framework and allows us to focus on new challenges!
  • I like the atmosphere it reigns, I keep the excitement of knowing who will be in my class this year, what agenda
  • I will choose and what teachers I would have. Even without going to school I keep the excitement, it’s strange but funny at once. (Ok I’m weird is that? ^^)
  • It’s time to attack the piles of books that have been piled up for too long (if I tell you that I brought them back from Canada and that in a year I have not yet read them? OK .. )
  • It’s fun to look for a new sport to try too (if one day I had imagined saying that, I was dreading the younger sport.)! Since my yoga teacher has a small being to take care of, I also have to look for a new activity while waiting for her return … My choice is not yet fixed so if you have ideas about Valence, I take !


Back to school is also another year, a good time for the record: what did I promise myself a year ago and that I did not hold? What change I wish to operate on my life and that I still have not done? But also what things have changed positively in my life? What have I learned about this past year?

Sometimes when I say it I feel like living in a world of bisounours but I still try again .. I feel that every year is even better than the previous one. The previous one that was already top! I always wonder how it is possible.

And what do you like about back to school? School memories to tell me?

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